Gympie Garden Expo

Admission: $5

Children: FREE

Parking:  FREE

Gympie Showgrounds

77 Exhibition Road
Gympie 4570
(map details located at bottom of web home page)

Multi-draw raffles are run throughout the weekend.

Major Raffle and gate prizes drawn at 2pm on Sunday.

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are available from the venue.

There is a variety of stallholders offering food throughout the day.


Whilst in the area, take the time to follow some Gympie Heritage Trails in old Gympie town. Visit the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum or track the history of timber at the Woodworks Museum. The region is as diverse as golden sandy beaches to bush farmstays and country rock festivals.

Find out more information at Visit Gympie Region

For a more country experience try Mary Valley Country


Visit Gympie Region
Visit Gympie Region
Visit Mary Valley Country
Visit Mary Valley Country